Resolution Experts, PC

Construction Auditing and Construction Project Financial Oversight

Construction contracts are complex. Because of this, Owners of construction project are often overbilled without their knowledge. We provide audit, risk assessment, and process improvements services to Owner at every stage of their construction projects. Our audits generally result in cost savings to the Owner of 1.0% to 3.0% and, for Owner engaged in long term development programs, we provide invaluable process improvement recommendations that can be implemented on future projects. Following is a list of construction projects, by industry, that we have benefited from our Construction Auditing and Construction Project Financial Oversight services:

Hospitals and Healthcare Service Buildings

Sample Audits:

  1. HospitalsTexas Hugely Hospital
  2. Colorado Castle Rock Hospital
  3. Kissimmee Hospital
  4. Orlando Women's Hospital
  5. Tampa Wesley Chapel Hospital
  6. Chicago Prentice Hospital
  7. Lake Forest Hospital
  8. Chicago OCP Building
  9. Grayslake Outpatient Center
  10. Charlottesville UVA Hospital
  11. Ivy Mountain Musculoskeletal Center


University and Commercial Office Buildings

Bay City HallSample Audits:

  1. Bay City, City Hall
  2. Orlando Executive Center
  3. Orlando Executive building and parking deck
  4. Westchester Student Center
  5. University Athletic Center and Athletic Fields
  6. Westchester Dorms
  7. New York Student Classroom Building renovation
  8. New York Academic Building renovation
  9. Anacostia High School
  10. DOES in Washington DC


Residential Construction:

Sample Audits:

  1. Florida CondosHarbor Village, mixed use development
  2. Ponce Inlet, Florida, condominium development
  3. Bouchelle Island, Florida, condominium development
  4. Daytona Beach Shores, Florida, condominium development
  5. Crystal Lake, Illinois, custom home renovation
  6. Astor Street, Chicago custom home renovation
  7. Custom Lakefront home in Michigan
  8. Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan custom home renovation
  9. Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield, Michigan custom home construction
  10. Packard Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan apartment construction
  11. Perfecting Church, Detroit, Michigan


Industrial and Commercial Construction:

Sample Audits:

  1. Florida Light and PowerMongolia – Oyu Tolgoi Mine, shafts, tunnels, and open pit mine
  2. Mongolia – Oyu Tolgoi Mine, concentrator plant, and airport
  3. Mongolia – Oyu Tolgoi Mine, conveyor system, crusher plant, and power generation
  4. Arby Restaurants renovation program
  5. FDOT, Florida, Port St. Lucie Bridge
  6. Florida Power & Light, Texas, 240 miles of power transmission lines
  7. Ric-Man Construction, Emergency repair of sinkhole in Macomb, Michigan
  8. Forrester Construction – Dept. of Economic Security building, Washington D.C.
  9. Forrester Construction – Anacostia High School, Washington D.C.